A Safely Structured Retirement Planning Strategy™/SSRPS® can be considered a “Modern Financial Planning Discipline”, an approach used in retirement planning, and/ or estate planning, and/ or special needs planning.
In utilizing a SSRPS®, a consumer with the help of their financial professional, structures their assets (or a portion there of), using “insured/ guaranteed financial/ retirement products*”, a particular type of annuity, and/ or particular life insurance contracts, to protect and grow assets, and/or to protect and grow income streams.
When a person has a SSRPS® their a) principal is protected, b) any gains/ interest earned is locked-in/ protected from future market/ index downturns and c) they never run out of money/ income in retirement. * In addition, a SSRPS® will d) eliminate inflation risk, to the degree by which the consumer receives a contractually guaranteed increasing income stream*. In fact, the income stream generated from a SSRPS® will potentially far outpace inflation. You will learn there are also benefits with respect to e) the ability of a SSRPS® income stream to cover a substantial amount of any cost related to a future medical crisis, where an individual cannot perform 2 of 6 activities of daily living, or they have Alzheimer's, where an individual may need home health care, or private nursing, or assisted living, or long term care, and there is no medical underwriting with the annuity side of SSRPS®. A SSRPS® can do even more than bringing financial health to a client's retirement planning strategy, as there are f) health and wellness benefits associated with having a stress-free retirement income stream. You will immediately become familiar with g) what we call a "Spendable Income Advantage" that a SSRPS® has over other planning strategies, which utilize traditional investments alone or predominantly.
A SSRPS® can readily generate substantially more money than what you put into it, over time, meaning depending on your age, you could receive 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 20 times more money than what you have in your retirement accounts, savings accounts, or investment accounts today. A SSRPS® can serve as a Personal Pension ensuring that when you retire you will have income for the rest of your life regardless of what is going on in the economy or the stock market. With a SSRPS® you have contractual protection of your principal (the money you put in), contractual protection of any growth/ credited interest, contractual protection of your guaranteed lifetime income that will increase over time. A SSRPS® alone can accomplish all of this, because a SSRPS® truly is a unique planning strategy. A SSRPS® is again a Modern Financial Planning Discipline, a fusion of investment and administrative efficiencies and actuarial pooling principals, where consumers can benefit from a combination of contractual guarantees plus product performance.
High Level but Simple View of SSRPS® & Equivalent Wealth.
I want you to hold onto something "SSRPS® AEW" means SSRPS® "Annuity Equivalent Wealth"
The Annuity Equivalent Wealth (AEW) represents the additional amount of wealth (money) that a rational consumer would require or demand to be as well-off (in a utility sense) without access to fairly priced annuities, expressed as a percentage of initial retirement wealth.
These are the words of Moshe A. Milevsky, a leading authority on the intersection of wealth management, financial mathematics, and insurance.
Now, regarding Safely Structured Retirement Planning Strategies®/ SSRPS®, consider that we are not using “just any annuity…” we are utilizing a guaranteed income annuity with the potential to provide increasing income payments for as long as a person lives, via what I call a "Type #2 annuity income stream".
In 2008 I had a "financial epiphany", when I realized what was now possible...when I realized the power of the "Safe Leverage" that a SSRPS® can give people; I created Safely Structured Retirement Planning Strategies®/SSRPS® at that time. I tell people that a SSRPS® is a Modern Financial Planning Discipline, amounting to what can be considered "Modern Financial Planning", a fusion of investment and administrative efficiencies and actuarial pooling principles. I consider myself a "Wealth Strategist", I am securities licensed, I am an Investment Advisor Representative/IAR, who is Insurance Licensed in 49 states.
Consider that when you have constructed a SSRPS®, you have shifted stock market risk/volatility risk, longevity risk, and inflation risk, and to a degree medical crisis risk, from the individual to the insurance company. When a consumer utilizes only traditional financial planning products/assets such as stocks, bonds, or other securities, he or she is assuming all risks (all by themselves). The insurance company, in providing these "SSRPS® Products" is in a sense passing on economies of scale and investment efficiencies to the individual consumer; the policy owner/contract holders. The argument for planning your retirement via a SSRPS® stems from the benefits of the actuarial pooling principles at work, which enables the financial professional and their clients to essentially "do more with less": "SSRPS® Annuity Equivalent Wealth"
"SSRPS® products" offer the potential to receive more retirement income or a greater tax-free income, and/or greater tax-free death benefits. Essentially, it is argued that a SSRPS® has the potential to provide "more" than traditional saving and investing might produce, and without any volatility/stock market risk. All of this can be said to be made possible via the "safe leverage" afforded by particular products that are only available from the insurance company.
I contend that a SSRPS® can readily generate substantially more money than what you put into it, over time, contractually, for the rest of your life, or your life and your spouses life. In fact, depending on your age, and when you begin taking income, you could receive 2 times, 3 times, 4 times, 5 times, 10 times, 20 times or more of your money back… than what you put into your SSRPS® originally, again, measured over the rest of your life and your spouse's life.
According to the American Psychological Association (APA), money is the top cause of stress in the United States. Consider how a SSRPS® can eliminate the stress associated with retirement and money. Consider the health and wellness benefits, physical as well as mental, because when you have a SSRPS®, you have the opportunity to live differently thanks to the long-term financial security a SSRPS® can provide individuals, couples, and families. Consider, that when you have a SSRPS® you may not have the same financial stress that can occur when someone faces financial strains due to downturns/volatility in the financial markets, because when you have a SSRPS® you can your money are protected, in that you can't lose money, a) you can't lose your principal (the money you put in), and b) you can't lose any interest that has already been credited, and c) you will never run out of guaranteed lifetime income, that contractually increases over the years.
When you have a SSRPS® you have the opportunity, the freedom, to perhaps live rather peacefully, joyfully with the ability to make happy plans for the future. When you have a SSRPS® you or you and your spouse can have the financial means to vacation regularly, travel to see friends and family, to pursue your favorite hobbies, to enjoy your favorite things in life. When you have a SSRPS® you may also have the opportunity to help others, as people with a SSRPS® may tell you of the joy of knowing that they now have the means to help others, to support loved ones, because of your reliable and safe substantial and increasing income stream from your SSRPS®. Consider, that instead of people perhaps receiving the benefit of your generosity when you have passed-on, when you have a SSRPS®, you can see the smile on their faces as they benefit from your generosity while you are alive and well, and that can bring a lot of joy.
Let's now talk numbers...
There are 2 basic ways of looking at things when it comes to your ability to match the financial results of a SSRPS® via conventional planning/ traditional investments.
Let me explain...
First, consider a hypothetical example, where a person age 60 has $1,000,000 and they want to retire and begin receiving income at age 65, (5 years of deferral). Utilizing a SSRPS®, based on a modest projection, measuring results through age 87 our couple is projected to receive $3,311,317 in income, and they will have realized a 7.3% compounded rate of return for 28 years in a row, safely. Consider for example that if someone wanted to invest their money in the stock market or real estate or anything else that was subject to stock market risk, they may need to earn a 9.3% compound rate of return for 28 years in a row, if their costs/fees amounted to 2%. Now, a person with a SSRPS® income stream does not need to earn such high single returns/interest as in this example, to produce those results, because of the other supporting variables in the SSRPS® supporting products.
If either the husband or the wife in our example were to live to age 92, our couple is projected to receive $4,828,478, and they will have to realized an 8.338% compounded rate of return for 33 years in a row. So, if again, someone wanted to invest their money in the stock market or real estate or anything else, they may need to earn a 10.33% compounded rate of return for 33 years in a row, if their costs/fees amounted to 2%.
Again, a person with a SSRPS® income stream does not need to earn such high single digit returns/interest as in this example, to produce those results, because of the other supporting variables in the "SSRPS® supporting products".
Now I know sometimes things can look "too good to be true", but I can guarantee you "this is how SSRPS® using a Type #2 income stream can work", as you receive an insurance contract/policy, and the guarantees and the mechanics of the products cannot change once it is issued. Other aspects can change relative to the percentage by which you participate in the movement of an external stock market index such as the S&P 500©, due to volatility and change in options and future costs, and other factors at the insurance company, but I contend that these SSRPS® numbers are "modest", "not promissory", and that they could be lower, but they could be higher.
The above hypothetical example was an "example". A person will earn more, or less, based on the "interest credited" to their contract over the years. The SSRPS® explanatory software can transparently show you a range of potential interest credits and thus a range of potential income streams, so you will come to understand exactly how it is you could ultimately realize a higher or lower rate of return/interest rate compounded over your life or your life and your spouse's life, safely, without stock market/volatility risk.
Via a SSRPS® Demonstration, we will take you through a person example, aimed at helping you understand exactly how your SSRPS®/Safely Structured Retirement Planning Strategy® could work, to provide you with the opportunity to have long term financial security. We want you to literally be comfortable and knowledgeable, so you have the opportunity to live a stress-free and happy retirement lifestyle.
Second, consider an academic/informational example, where hypothetically a person age 60 has $1,000,000 and they want to retire and begin receiving income at age 67. Let’s look at 3 scenarios:
Sometimes we don't know what we want until we see it. Hopefully this helps people understand the "Real Value of an Income Stream” produced by the SSRPS®, or the Type #2 Income Stream... The idea is… SSRPS® is a mechanical / efficient use of one’s assets, that aims to produce safe and reliable results, where we can transparently validate/measure such efficiency year by year. I expect that in 5 years' time that 80% of financial advisors will be using this SSRPS® approach to retirement planning.
A SSRPS® alone can accomplish all of this, because a SSRPS® is truly a unique planning strategy. A SSRPS® is in fact a Modern Financial Planning Discipline, where there is a fusion of investment, administrative and actuarial efficiencies, where consumers benefit from a combination of contractual guarantees plus product performance, where a person or persons can receive contractually guaranteed increasing income for the rest of their life, regardless of how long they live. Traditional investing or saving "has no actuarial support", or "there is no pooling advantage" associated with traditional investing or saving, so in retirement, when you take distributions/withdrawals from your savings/investments, your income will continue only for as long as your assets last. Consider that when you are retired, any money you have invested in the stock market will be subject to the ups and downs of the stock market/economy, meaning sometimes the value of your assets will increase and sometimes it will decrease, and then you have to account for the distributions/withdrawals you are taking. The point is, experiencing negative years early or too often can diminish the total value of your remaining assets. Over time, your withdrawals combined with such losses can chip away at your assets and cause your money to run out more quickly than anticipated. Consider using a "
annuity" with a Type #2 income stream as part of a strategy to help you manage sequence-of-returns risks for your retirement income.
When you have a SSRPS®, “you genuinely have the opportunity to spend all of your money in a stress-free manner”. There is this “Spending Phenomenon” relative to having a Safely Structured Retirement Planning Strategy™, in that a person with a SSRPS® has the potential to literally spend all of their money many times over, resulting in a “Spendable Income Advantage”. It can be demonstrated that a person with a SSRPS® can afford to spend their money in a more “carefree manner”, where they can immediately begin to enjoy their retirement, where they can immediately spend more of their money than typical traditional planning may allow, and they can spend that money without concern of ever running out of money, because they enjoy guaranteed lifetime increasing income potential, contractually. Thus, a person with a SSRPS® can enjoy stress-free spending in retirement, more so perhaps than a person with a more traditional retirement planning strategy, where their ability to spend money in retirement will be more closely tied to their retirement account values which fluctuate with the ups and downs of the stock market.
Well...According to the American Psychological Association (APA), money is the top cause of stress in the United States. A SSRPS® can eliminate the stress associated with Retirement and money. Consider the health and wellness benefits, physical as well as mental, because when you have a SSRPS®, you have the opportunity to live differently thanks to the long-term financial security a SSRPS® can provide individuals, couples, and families. When you have a SSRPS®, you don't have the financial stress that can occur when someone faces financial strains due to downturns/ volatility in the financial markets, because when you have a SSRPS® you and your money are protected, in that a) you can't lose money, you can't lose your principal (the money you put in), and b) you can't lose any interest that has already been credited, and c) you will never run out of guaranteed lifetime income, that contractually increases over the years.
When you have a SSRPS® you have the opportunity, the freedom, to live rather peacefully, joyfully with the ability to make happy plans for the future. When you have a SSRPS® you and /or your spouse can have the financial means to vacation regularly, travel to see friends and family, to pursue your favorite hobbies, to enjoy your favorite things in life. And when you have a SSRPS® you may also have the opportunity to help others, as many people with a SSRPS® may tell you of the joy of knowing that you will have the opportunity to help others, to support loved ones, because of your reliable and safe substantial and increasing income stream from your SSRPS®. Consider, that instead of people perhaps receiving the benefit of your generosity when you have passed-on, when you have a SSRPS®, you can see the smile on their faces as they benefit from your generosity while you are alive and well, and that brings a lot of joy.
The guaranteed increasing income opportunity provided from the SSRPS® income stream gives people new planning opportunities. Consider that people with a SSRPS® income stream gives people new planning opportunities. Consider that people with a SSRPS® can put a legacy plan in place, they can leave money to the heirs, without it being a financial burden, in a manner that just isn't possible when people rely on traditional wealth management alone, stocks and bonds and mutual funds etc...
The world of financial planning/ retirement planning/ estate planning/ special needs planning, has forever changed, it’s just that people don’t know what they don’t know.
People can now structure their assets differently than they had in the past and receive long term financial security that simply was never available, prior to the development/design of a "Type #2 Income Stream". The type #2 Income Stream allows people to literally, safely leverage their assets/money/savings/investments, to not only secure their financial future, but to perhaps make their retirement and legacy dreams come true.
The SSRPS® platform / software provides an experiential learning opportunity for people to discover new planning opportunities.
Hence, I call SSRPS® “a Modern Financial Planning Discipline”, a fusion of investment/ administrative and actuarial efficiencies.
It is never to early or too late to start a SSRPS®, as a SSRPS® can be put together for children where the owner is a guardian, and they can be put together for an 80 year old (maximum age).
The money that you put into a SSRPS® is always protected, your principal is always protected against loss (principal is the money you put in), the interest is protected (any fixed interest or market-linked interest you earn is locked-in and protected), and your income is protected as well, your retirement income is guaranteed for as long as you or you and your spouse live, even if you live to be around 120.
So if you the "owner pass away", your account value or an enhanced account value can go directly to your beneficiary/heirs, however, if you are married, via "spousal continuation" your spouse can keep the contract and a) continue to receive the income stream or b) they can take the account value or an enhanced account value as a death benefit.
The point is, your money is safe and will pass on to loved ones one way or another.
Well not if you have a SSRPS®.
"Why?" or "How can you say that?"
When you a have SSRPS®, it means that your retirement plan is contractually guaranteed, it is "Stock Market Crash Proof" and "Recession Proof" and "Inflation Proof" and to a degree, "Medical Crisis Cost Proof"
When you have a SSRPS®, you have a contractually guaranteed income stream that will increase over the years, an income stream that will come to you or you and your spouse, for as long as either one of your lives, an income stream that will help you keep up with or even outpace inflation, an income stream that can help you pay for medical care related to "Home Health Care" or "Long-Term Care" or "Assisted Living" or "Private Nursing" or "Alzheimer's Care"
The slide below indicates that 50% of couples age 65 will have one spouse live past age 93.
Are people prepared to live to age 93?
Consider the reality that "Longevity" or "Living Longer" is a "Risk Multiplier".
You will learn how a SSRPS® can help you cover such potential expenses efficiently, smartly. In fact, it may seem as through such "coverage" and "peace of mind" is kind of free...and there is no medical underwriting.
The bottom line is that when you have a SSRPS®, it means that your retirement plan is contractually guaranteed, it is to a degree "Inflation Proof", 100% "Stock Market Crash Proof" and "Recession Proof" and to a degree, "Medical Crisis Cost Proof".
I believe a SSRPS® can eliminate your fears and your worries about being able to retire comfortably.
A comfortable retirement is part of the American dream, and although studies indicate that many people spend hours worrying everyday of their life about retirement and money, believing that “a comfortable retirement may be hard to reach”, you might say “that’s only because they don't know about SSRPS®”.
I can show you that if a person dedicates enough of their savings / wealth to a SSRPS®, that they could have more money coming to them in retirement, based on both performance and contractual guarantees, than perhaps they ever dreamed possible.
If you look at your assets, and you make SSRPS® part of your overall plan to have a diversified retirement planning strategy, you will have a retirement planning structure in place, a safe structure; you will in fact have a Safely Structured Retirement Planning Strategy®.
If you take enough of your retirement savings and you put that money into the appropriate SSRPS® insured financial products, you will then receive a guaranteed increasing income stream in retirement that will come to you or to you and your spouse for the rest of your life, and then you shouldn’t be worrying about running out of money.
Your SSRPS® case design will show you what you should reasonably expect to receive, based on both performance and contractual guarantees, and that should make you feel much better, much more comfortable when you retire. Although many Americans feel they are unprepared, people who have a personal SSRPS® designed just for them may be pleasantly surprised at the income they could reasonably expect to receive.
The real driver of retirement savings flowing into the Modern Financial Planning approach we call SSRPS®, is the confidence, the peace of mind, the joy, the excitement one will feel when they set up their SSRPS®. With a SSRPS®… you really can have a happy and healthy retirement.
Consider that “Millennial Americans worry 1.9 hours a day - 13 hours a week - 28 full days a year”, and people “ages 45 and up worry about money every day on average 1.6 hours a day – 11 hours a week – 24 full days a year”*. I contend that all or much of that worrying could disappear the moment they saw their personal SSRPS® case design.
*Taken from a Schroders 2023 US RETIREMENT SURVEY, Retirement readiness report.
Consider that a SSRPS® can contractually help in this regard, as a SSRPS® through the guaranteed lifetime increasing income payments can help to pay for any costs related to a potential medical crisis.
A SSRPS® can readily provide “coverage”… in that a SSRPS® will help pay for medical care. Furthermore, the guaranteed lifetime increasing income payments can Double (provided the accumulation value is not exhausted), if either you or your spouse (with "joint income selected") can’t perform at least two of the six Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) and or if a person is confined to a qualified hospital for at least 90 days in a consecutive 120 day period, and in all states except California, if a person is confirmed to have severe cognitive impairment.
Also, consider that even if the accumulation value is exhausted, meaning your payments cannot Double any more, your guaranteed lifetime income payments can be quite substantial, where they have increased enough over time where the guaranteed lifetime income payments you or you and your spouse are receiving could help pay for any costs related to medical care. Hopefully your guaranteed lifetime income payments will help pay a substantial portion of any cost of care… for as long as you, or you and your spouse live. Through the 1st 19 years in our example on this website, the guaranteed income “could Double” because there is still money in the accumulation value, again a requirement for the “Doubling”. After that point, you have to consider that the guaranteed income (without any Doubling) has grown to be quite substantial. For example, remembering that our hypothetical 60 year old clients put $500,000 into a "SSRPS® annuity", through age 82 they received $1,166,575 in payments, and that year they saw their payment hit $101,642, and at age 85 it was $121,058, and at age 87 it was $136,020, and at age 92 it was $182,026.
Understand that those guaranteed lifetime income payments can be used anyway you like, meaning that if you are healthy you can spend that money traveling the world or giving it away to children and grandchildren or your favorite charities, but if you need it for medical care it is there. Keep in mind there is no medical underwriting when it comes to having a SSRPS®. Also keep in mind that no one will ever tell you “what you can and can’t do with your money”, those guaranteed lifetime income payments are your’ s to do with as you please, they will get deposited into your checking account automatically (every month or quarter or every 6 months or even annually if you like), and that’s it… So no doctor, no caregiver, no insurance company will ever tell you what you may or may not use your guaranteed lifetime income payments for…
(The Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) are daily functions most adults can perform without assistance: eating, bathing, getting dressed, toileting, transferring, and continence. To be eligible via activities of daily living, a physician must certify that you are unable to perform at least two of the six ADLs. Diagnosis must occur during the contract year prior to beginning lifetime income withdrawals or any time thereafter.)
Thanks for the education. I believe that the SSRPS software is necessary to fully understand how a Type #2 Annuity works, which is essential to having a Safely Structured Retirement Planning Strategy. It is nearly impossible for the average person to look at an illustration on their own and understand what they are looking at, and how it might benefit them. It 100% needs to be explained by an expert and the software enhances your ability to understand what the expert is telling you. The SSRPS software provides information that I believe they cannot get anywhere else.
Mary and I have been clients of Steve’s for over eight years now. When Steve talks about his planning and respective products, he is very careful to point out a lot of what he is forecasting is exactly that; a prediction. Before you conclude he sounds just like every other investment professional our record with him is seven of eight years, reaching his targets. The insurance part of the product is perhaps a little difficult to accept. It was for us. But I’m going to make a guess that if you’re even talking to Steve, one of the things, in which you are very interested is protecting your assets. With the insurance policy someone is going to benefit which is another method of hedging your wealth. Finally, if like us, you are interested in protecting and growing your assets this is a good way to go.
I just wanted to say that as I was researching retirement distribution planning, I ran across information on ABS and their SSRPS program and boy I’m glad I did! This program has been wonderful for my clients. The leverage that can be created to “fill retirement income gaps” is remarkable. It gives my clients the “sleep at night factor” they need to really relax and enjoy their retirement. This program improves their lives both emotionally and in stress-free physical well being. I would recommend Steve and his crew to anyone doing this type of planning.
B.W. Investment Advisor Representative / IAR
I have gotten to know Steve Delaney at ABS over the last year and it has been very refreshing to get to discuss his passion for retirement income planning. As a CPA, I have found that much of the financial planning done in the financial service industry lacks the proper focus on retirement income planning and particularly Steve's niche in creating a source of guaranteed lifetime income that can grow over a client's life expectancy. I think Steve has "hit the nail on the head" of retirement income planning and is poised to make a substantially favorable impact on the advisors that utilize his program, not to mention the benefits to the clients that utilize the SSRP approach to income planning.
Laury W.
SSRPS® is the Next Big Thing… SSRPS the Biggest Change in the industry in 20 years
Advisor M.H.
Steve Delaney is a 36 year veteran of the financial services industry, a founding partner and Principal of American Brokerage Services Inc (ABS). ABS is in its 26th year, serving financial planners, Registered Representatives, Registered Investment Advisors/ Investment Advisor Representatives, and insurance agents with an Annuity, Life Settlement, Long Term Care, and a Life Insurance Division.
Steve is an advisor to the financial advisor, to attorneys, to CPA s/ accountants, to businesses, and indirectly to the consumer. Steve holds a series 65 securities license as well as an insurance license in 50 states. Steve is an Investment Advisor Representative. The Series 65 securities license is required by most U.S. states for individuals who act as investment advisors. The Series 65 exam, known formally as the Uniform Investment Adviser Law Examination, covers laws, regulations, ethics and topics such as retirement planning, portfolio management and fiduciary responsibilities. Steve graduated from LaSalle University in 1985.
Steve, with the help of his staff, is responsible for developing the SSRPS® Explanatory Software/ Platform. SSRPS®/ Safely Structured Retirement Planning Strategies® is a transparent and innovative package of retirement planning calculators, illustrators, and presentations, used by financial advisors across the country to develop “case design” with respect to retirement planning, estate planning, special needs planning, and lifestyle maintenance planning.